Date: 19 Nov 17
Weather: Sunny and 28
Crew: Toon & Jax
Target Fish: Anything, including toadies.
Bait: - Really old pippis, metal slugs (bumpa-bar 25g, halco twisty 25g) blue squid jig
Gear Used: Fishing rods.
Catch: 1 salmon
Report: Had to get Jax out there again. He was super excited. Got to the pier around 10am, change of tide was 10:30. Fished for about 1.5 hours, wanted to fish heaps more but kids were done. As soon as we arrived there was a monster school of salmon swimming up along the pier, big buggers!! Many other schools around. Had to get jax set up so quickly set him up with a small hook and running sinker rig with some pippis. Got the pippis at a local milk bar, they were old as fuck. Toadies didnt even want to eat it. Tried to just get jax catching anything, and couldnt even get him a toadie on his rig. Anyhow, as soon as we got him in the water i quickly set up my rig with a metal lure and first cast managed to hook a salmon. As i brought it up onto the pier he jumped off. Hooked another salmon and gave the rod to jax to fight, but slack line saw the fish get away. Saw some huge things what looked like cuttlefish so put on squid jig, but by that time they were gone. Many schools of salmon to cast in to and they all gave a look at the lure, some hits, some hook ups, but relatively slow day trying to help the little man figure it all out. His casting is coming good! Water was pristine. Bumpa-bar was most productive lure.
Report: 7/10